Walker Reid Strategies

Get an Energy Efficiency Audit Before Renovating Your Cafe or Restaurant

Energy Efficient Audit

Making changes to your café or restaurant is an important part of staying in business. Every day, new competitors emerge in the food industry and threaten to attract your customers’ attention. But when it comes to renovations, many café or restaurant owners focus more on staffing, supply costs, or equipment. Very few pay attention to […]

10 Most Environmentally-Friendly Countries


The Environmental Performance Index (EPI) is a method of quantifying a state or country’s environmental policies. It is a successor to the Environmental Sustainability Index and the Pilot Environmental Performance Index. Yale University and the World Economic Forum collaborated with the Columbia University and the European Commission’s Joint Research Center on all three indices. The […]

Energy Efficient Home Decors You Should Invest In

Energy Efficient Home Decors

As environmental awareness continues to improve every day, there is an increasing focus on eco-friendly home improvement ideas and designs. As a result, many are looking to explore decorations that affect their health, wallets, and the environment in a positive way. Pergolas are essential in Brisbane Patios because of its strong sunny climate, and they […]

Simple Ways to Teach Your Kids Green Living

kids recycling

Ready to Jump-start the New Year with a Green Attitude? Don’t Miss These Seven Simple Ways to Teach Your Kids Green Living that have been inspired off of the 30Seconds Mom. When families work on projects together, not only do they become closer, but the project becomes a principle that helps guide communal living. Creative green […]