Solar panels in the snow

Growing interest and news reports about saving energy, lowering utility costs and minimizing your carbon footprint have attracted your curiosity. If you live in a cold climate, you may have dismissed solar cells and devices as viable power options.

This is a common misconception. When solar cells consist of high-quality materials, you can harness their energy in the snow. Here there is a brief overview explaining how snow-based solar cells work and what benefits result for you and your family.

Potential Problems with Solar Power in the Snow

Typically, a triple threat exists when using solar cells in the snow and a cold climate. Here there are problems that occur with low-quality solar conducting cells.

  • Hot spots develop on the solar device which are dangerous.
  • Degradation occurs within the solar cell.
  • The solar device develops problems leading to loss of performance. This can be a catastrophic event if you depend on solar power for heating, cooking, running your vehicle, home or business operation.

Solutions for Solar Power in the Snow

Hanwha, a South Korean based company, is one of the world’s leading innovators in manufacturing photovoltaic (PV) devices. Hanwha’s technology is based in Germany for engineering. You may recognize the more common term for PV devices, solar panels and cells.

  • Hanwha Q devices are engineered to function in the world’s harshest environments.
  • Using Solar cells coated with high-tech chemical solutions Hanwha Q devices are not subject to the degradation, dangerous hot spots and performance loss you might expect from a solar device using a low-cost coating.
  • Furthermore, Q cells have a high-efficiency factor that provides added value and dependability for your home or operation.

Pitfalls of Relying on Traditional Power Sources

When you live or work in environments with extreme temperature conditions, reliable power is not an option. Snow, ice or the desert heat means increased reliance on a local power supplier if you lack alternatives.

  • This leaves you, your home and your operation subject to the problems or whims of suppliers, agents or governments.
  • Language barriers can challenge your ability to communicate with agents for local power sources effectively .
  • The local power grid may not have the capacity or technology to help you when it is the most critical for the survival of your family, employees, home or business operation.

Solar Power Provides Significant Solutions

With adequate solar cells, modules and devices you no longer face dangerously cold conditions with just a local power agency to provide your needs.

  • High-tech solar-powered Q modules generate electricity directly from minimal sunlight if necessary.
  • Q devices store electricity in special batteries.
  • When you need power, the Q cell sends electricity to an inverter that adapts it to AC current for practical use.

Practical Applications for Solar Power

Q cells maximize surface areas for efficiency and high yields.

  • Your home’s rooftop provides a usable surface to install solar modules.
  • Industrial or commercial rooftops are effective installation points.
  • Ideally, homes and commercial operations are supplemented by ground-based solar power plants.

Hanwha Q devices hold the technology key to smoothly living and operating in harsh elements found throughout the world. When success is critical, contact the company associated with the finest solar components. Hanwha tolerates no failure when it matters to your family, employees and commercial operation. Contact Hanwha for more information today.

At Walker Reid, we can assess you on Hanwha Q devices and many other topic-related issue. We can help you make your house or business energy-friendly and save you money as well as energy. Contact us, for more information.