Tax Benefits for Green Homes: ENERGY STAR vs. ZERH

The landscape of residential construction is shifting significantly towards energy efficiency, especially now that the federal government has upgraded a powerful tax benefit program to drive this change: the §45L tax credit. This credit offers substantial advantages for developers constructing homes that meet specific energy-efficient standards. Let’s understand how green home developers can maximize §45L […]
Maximizing Benefits for Developers with the §45L Tax Credit

The §45L Energy-Efficient Tax Credit presents a fantastic opportunity to slash your tax bill while creating eco-friendly living spaces. Not only does §45L contribute to a healthier environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and total energy consumption, but it also offers significant financial benefits to developers. If you are the developer of apartments, condominiums, single-family […]
Benefits of the 45L Tax Credit
The 45L tax credit has been available to eligible contractors since 2006. However, this energy-efficient incentive is still under-publicized and thus under-utilized among affordable housing developers, contractors, investors, and builders. The credit can deliver some significant benefits, including an increase in housing equity, a cost-offset for the purchase of energy-efficient building materials and an increased marketability […]