Public School Case Study: Energy Service Companies (ESCO’s)
How these 5 energy efficient homes save you money
Buying a home can be a costly and nerve-wracking task for most of us. You want to go for a home that saves you money over time and looks aesthetically attractive at the same time. A common misconception is that a beautiful home will be expensive and energy inefficient.However, this is not mandatory. See these 5 […]
Combined Tax Strategies Make Energy Efficient Upgrades More Desirable (179D Tax Deduction & Asset Retirement)
Many owners are seeing the benefit of replacing certain building components with energy efficient replacements. Also to lower energy bills, tax incentives can be combined to realize accelerated write-offs and lowering income tax bills. In 2006, Section 179D – the Energy Efficient Commercial Buildings Deduction was available to taxpayers, allowing immediate deductions up to […]