Walker Reid Strategies

Up to the minute 179D Tax Deduction; Tax Extenders Legislative Update

Following the threat of the presidential veto issued by the White House last week. It appears that the likelihood of the 2 year extenders package, which originated in the Senate Finance Committee (Expire act), will result in a one-year extension (including 179D Tax Deduction) making all expired provisions active through the end of 2014. The […]

179D Tax Deduction and tax extenders during Lame Duck

A message to our clients and interested parties regarding the extension of 179D Tax Deduction As we approach the end of 2014 with Tax extenders still in limbo, we see the same question asked over and over again…is Congress going to get a Tax Extenders Bill done? Currently the real answer is that no one […]

Get a tax deduction for an energy efficient building

The energy efficient commercial building tax deduction system, otherwise known as EPACT 179D was created by the IRS as a way to reward the owners and lessees of commercial buildings who invested to comply with higher standards of energy efficiency. If a building has been upgraded to conform to new standards in interior lighting, HVAC […]