3 Tips to Help Architects Win A Greater Number of Bids

Securing bids is a challenge for many Architects. In this blog, we will discuss 3 ways in which architects can win more bids. Pre-Construction Planning Tax credits and deductions on commercial buildings and projects can be gained through meticulous pre-construction planning and extensive design analysis. An architect can examine a building’s components to identify those […]
Getting Higher Returns from Your Real Estate Investment

The majority of people who own buildings are experienced business people who have intentions of maximizing the return on investment (ROI). As surprising as it may be, only a few of them attempt to enhance the ROI through reduction of operating costs as well as reduction of tax obligation. As energy prices continue to rise, […]
Eliminating Bi-Level Requirements for the 179D

Section 179D allows for several methods to be used to qualify for the incentive. The rules are colloquially named as the Interim Rule and the Permanent Rule. The Permanent Rule allows several different combinations to qualify partially for the deduction. For lighting purposes, it requires a complex energy model to be simulated, and the energy […]
New Senate Bill Sheds Light on Future Reforms

Last Tuesday, September 22, 2015, the Senate Energy Committee has released their latest proposed energy tax legislation. This comprehensive energy bill seems to focus on more aggressive incentives than previous iterations. In addition to its extensive list of changes, the bill proposes changes to Section 179D. If enacted the 179D would become two new deductions. […]
179D July Updates

Have you heard that 179D is considered to be one of the best energy tax provisions to save jobs and careers? This tax deduction section focuses on Energy Efficient Commercial Buildings. There have been even more proficient proposed updates that allow additional savings over a longer period. This tax break not only benefits businesses, but […]
New Proposed 179D Extension

Tomorrow, Tuesday, July 21 at 11:00 AM ET, a two-year extension of Section 179D is included in the base text of the tax extenders legislation to be considered by the Senate Finance Committee. Chairman Hatch has scheduled a markup for this time, according to the SFC website. This new legislation will be providing an extension […]
Energy Efficient Buildings Tax Deduction

An energy tax incentive called Section 179D was created under the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct). This incentive is a tax deduction for energy efficient commercial buildings. The IRS Code Section 179D allows for an immediate deduction of up to $1.80 per square foot for commercial buildings that achieve a 50% reduction in total […]
Published Article on 179D Tax Deductions use in the Roofing Industry
We would like to take a moment and Congratulate our director of engineering Nelson E. Marin for recent article that was published in Roofing the Industry’s Voice read the article below! Do Your Past Commercial Projects Qualify for an Unused Tax Deduction? Do Your Past Commercial Projects Qualify for an Unused Tax Deduction? Since 2006, IRS […]